
WiFi-Controlled 3D Printed Grass-Cutting Robot


The GrassBot project aims to design and develop an affordable, WiFi-controlled, 3D printed grass-cutting robot. This robot is intended for DIY enthusiasts and the open-source community, providing an efficient solution for maintaining small to medium-sized lawns.

System Architecture

High-Level Overview

The robot's design includes a 3D printed chassis that houses all electronic components. These components include a microcontroller for WiFi control, motors for movement and cutting, sensors for obstacle detection, and a rechargeable battery pack.

Key Components

Development Plan

The development of GrassBot is structured into several phases, with milestones including research, design, prototyping, software development, and testing, leading up to the final delivery on December 4th.



GrassBot aims to be a cost-effective, open-source solution for automated lawn maintenance. All design files and documentation will be available to the open-source community upon completion.